Ryans Cutting Board

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I made this for my son Ryan when he was home over the summer. I was feeling bad that I hadn’t made him anything as I had made a couple things for my daughter Megan. I asked him what he wanted and he came up with a cutting board. Not wanting to go easy on myself, I thought I would go with an end grain cutting board and CNC the family name on it.

I went to Maglios and picked through some fir 2×6 until I found one that was basically straight and true. I took it home and ripped a bunch of 1 1/2″ strips to begin the gluing/sawing process that is required to create one of these end grain cutting boards. It took a lot longer than I had anticipated not to mention trying to sand the surface of the end grain.

It turned out pretty good and I finished it with Claphams Beeswax Salad Bowl Finish witch is food safe and smells awesome!!

Ryan seemed pretty happy with it:) Megan’s boyfriend Ted thought it was pretty nice too. He asked if I’d make one for his brothers wedding which was a month away and I said “what the hell…sure:)”. That will be the next post on the cutting board page